Socio-Cultural Differences Between Generations in Elbasan

Keywords: culture, cultural values, society, subcultures, margin, generation gap


Social life carries various social and cultural phenomena which significantly interact with our lives, creating the difference in-depth reports and the newly formed relationship between generations in the family and society. Changes in thought, behavior, or actions strands understand if inequality and differences emerge and develop from social constraints. In today's society that mostly resembles a space without borders, it is possible to absorb new ways and ideas regarding lifestyle, thinking, and conduct. Many sociological and psychological studies argued that, especially in the early 60-s of the twentieth century, adolescents are more likely to be directed towards the ideas, practices, and characterized as countercultural movements. The study "Socio-cultural differences between generations in Elbasan" was conducted to identify social and cultural factors that affect the growth of differences between generations in the family and society. Identification of socializing factors such as media, schools, technology, and impacts arising from other cultures through immigration. Underlining the importance and analysis of social and cultural elements in change as essential factors in the differences between generations gives meaning to this study. This study's results have been highlighted by analyzing relations between ages and social and cultural changes in Elbasan in recent years.


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How to Cite
Çeçi, N., & Çeçi, M. (2021). Socio-Cultural Differences Between Generations in Elbasan. Postmodernism Problems, 11(1), 35-57.