Reading Attitudes in Choosing between Printed and Electronic Books

  • Georgi Alexandrov St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia
  • Lilia Raycheva St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia
Keywords: printed book, electronic book, readears' attitudes, electronic device, electronic reading


The article is based on the outcome of the survey "Dimensions of Reading and Its Perception in the Digital Age"conducted in the period February - March 2018 within the International Academic Program of The European Commission COST Action IS1404 Evolution of Reading in the Age of Digitization (E-READ). The survey aims not only to identify the readers' attitudes, but also to reveal the drivers behind them. Concrete conclusions are formulated regarding the preferences in the type of reading - on paper or on electronic device, and the type of book - print or electronic. These preferences do not have considerable differences determined neither by age, nor by profession. However, the results of the survey outline a clear preference for the traditional reading of print books.


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How to Cite
Alexandrov, G., & Raycheva, L. (2018). Reading Attitudes in Choosing between Printed and Electronic Books. Postmodernism Problems, 8(2), 135-152. Retrieved from