The Spiral of Reading in a Postmodern landscape
The issue of the future of reading and its forms is a significant and interesting aspect of social reality that sets different demands and generates a variety of reflections in the scientific and social circles. What are the reasons for choosing paper editions? Is it necessary integration of reading the new realities? Can we say that the dynamics with which changes in global societies occur stimulates transformations and in the understanding of reading accented print editions? What is the fate of the past as if the monolithic territory of "traditional" reading and what is the future of e-reining?
Reading is often perceived as a symbol of literacy and awareness, pleasure, cultural practice, and includes a variety of forms - books, newspapers, magazines, blogs, etc. The focus of this article is to outline the expert vision of the future of digital reading and print books in a digital environment. The data to be examined is based on an expert assessment conducted with experts - librarians, book publishers, prominent scholars in the field of book science and reading. Conclusions were also drawn from a focus group (World Cafe) among the students in the Social Activities at South-West University "Neofit Rilski".
The research was conducted in the framework of research project DCOST 01-13 of 04.08.2017 to the Scientific Research Fund, co-funded under the COST Action 1404 E Reading program.
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